Thursday, November 4, 2010

Bedtime with Elmo (and Ashrie!)

We have a copy of Bedtime With Elmo and we love it! I have read some reviews of the DVD which was actually released last year and I was surprised on the effect it made to some kids. Some parents say their kids have no issues with monsters or the dark until watching the video while others highly recommend it.

Now, I will definitely be on the side on the latter. For me it’s a good watch especially for Dads like me. The video focused primarily on Dad and child relations with just (as I can remember) a mention of Elmo’s mom helping him with brushing his teeth. There is also a story of a girl being put to sleep by her Dad by reading her a bedtime story, scratching her back and singing a lullaby, and not to forget Natasha and his Dad singing him a very personal good night song.

The DVD is packed with stories cleverly illustrating common situations parents and kids go through every night before their kid finally has a shut-eye. Such situations include fear of monsters, the dark, and the most common the “I-still-want-to-play” problem.

There are poems, stories about the moon and the stars and bedtime routine of children from Haiti and India. Songs are witty with catchy tunes too. I can hear myself singing the song the morning after. It is truly a must-buy and a good collection piece. We simply love it!

Here is a clip from the video. Enjoy!

We just purchased the Elmo's Potty Time DVD and our review will be posted soon.

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