Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sweet Lemons!

I have been so busy lately that it feels like I haven't blogged for so long.

My brother is back in the Philippines after more than a weeklong visit to Singapore. My vacation leave is also finished even before AR returned home. And special occasions such as Father's Day and my birthday were both over.

Furthermore, there was a major change in my work location and I have lots of adjustments to make. Imagine being transferred from the bustling city center to a remote area in the homelands. That means I need to commute double the time that I used to, I have to immerse myself to a new project, new work environment, new supervisor, new colleagues, and I have to bring a lunchbox because food stalls are nowhere to be found!

“Change is good” they say, and I want to believe it’s true. Enough of this sour-graping and allow me to enumerate God’s blessings in my current situation:

1. I will be able to feel God’s work in my life as he promised in His word that all things will work together for good to those who love Him,

2. I will be able to expand my horizons, to see and experience the other side of Singapore,

3. I will acquire more knowledge (and an additional item in my resume),

4. I will gain more friends and acquaintances, and

5. Hopefully, I might lose weight because I’m not having rice for lunch anymore.

I know everything’s gonna be fine!

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