Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Charlie and the Poop Factory

Warning! Poopy talk ahead.

Back in my days (and I tell you it's a long way back), my parents did not use any disposable diapers. They used and they washed cotton cloth nappies during my entire babyhood.

Could you believe that? Can you imagine the time and effort they've spent just to get through the nappy stage?

Fast-forward to the 2000s, where the use of disposable diapers is just the norm, we are, in all of our product choices, responsible for its effect on the environment. Just imagine the number of soiled diapers you are throwing in the rubbish bin each day. That's an average of 6-8 diapers per day. Now multiply it by how many days/years you will use diapers. You would have spent thousands of dollars and threw a thousand pieces of soiled diapers in the trash. Now multiply it by the number of babies and toddlers in Singapore, or if you want, the world. It's mind-blowing!

In the US alone, their landfills are collecting almost eight billion pounds of soiled diapers a year! Poor Mother Earth!

Although, we cannot negate the practicality of disposable diapers especially when going out, we can do something about managing the amount of trash leaving our homes. So this time around, we will be using washable cloth nappies alongside disposables. We recently purchased Charlie Banana Reusable Diapers even if it means having to wash the stinking "poopourri" off it and doing laundry more frequently. It's our own little way of being "green". Plus we will enjoy the benefits of using cloth nappies: It's cheaper in the long run, it's better for baby's skin, it's more absorbent, and it's eco-friendly.

Plus, it's way cuter and definitely more fashionable than disposable diapers. Also, they say that parents feel better when they use cloth nappies. It's probably an emotional thing or just the feeling when you know you're doing the right thing.

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