So how can we make advantage of their fascination with our gadgets? Well, I suggest we fill it with wholesome, entertaining and educational Applications for Kids. I have list down Ashrie’s Top Ten Kid Apps in random order. Please note that my daughter is just 20 months old, so I would probably be updating this list when she got tired or have outgrown these apps. Here they are:

Category: Entertainment
Developer: Outfit 7 Ltd
There is a certain charm with this playful feline that makes it one of the most downloaded applications in iTunes. He repeats every word you utter in a funny voice. Actually you can try various “talking creature” applications with your child and let him decide which one to keep.

Pocket Pond
Category: Entertainment
Category: Entertainment
Developer: John Moffett
This application will fascinate even adults with its staggeringly realistic visuals. You can customize your pond by adding elements to it; put more lily pads, a dragonfly perhaps and even more koi. You can also feed the fish or ripples in the water. All in a relaxing nature soundscape.
Category: Books
Developer: Wasabi ProductionsA book and an interactive pet in one. Poke Larry Lizard and watch him lazily and almost in dismay reacts to your touch. A simple story with a sweet ending. We got it free last week, but now as I am writing this post, it is priced at $1.99.
Category: Entertainment
Category: Entertainment
Developer: ustwo
Choose among 31 musicians as your line-up, select the tempo, and watch these colorful creatures play an out-of-this-world techno music for you.
Category: Books
Developer: Jake MacMullin
Developer: Jake MacMullin
There are a lot of “mix and match” applications in iTunes but this flip-book is highly commendable. Its simplicity and finely-drawn illustrations gives it a quiet elegance.
The Toilet Monster - A Lola Grows Up Series Book
Category: Entertainment
Developer: Tusitala Pte Ltd
Initially, I wasn’t sure whether I will show this to Ashrie. As you know she’s already potty-trained, and I’m wondering how she will take the “monster in the toilet” thing. But I still gave it a try. Fortunately, she liked it, especially the green monster which looks like one of her favorite drawn animals – an octopus! By the way, it's now $1.99, but we got it free weeks ago.
Animal Chatter
Category: Education
Developer: Susan AndrykCategory: Education
If your child likes animals, why not try this one. It is loaded with more than 60 animals. Just touch the photo to hear the animal sounds. It has mammals, birds and insects. There are also farm, jungle and safari soundboards.
My Coloring Book Free
Category: Games
Developer: Jeff Pedersen
Although real crayons and a piece of paper are the best tools to develop your child’s creativity and skills in coloring, this is a good enough substitute while on the go. Choose from 37 hand drawn illustrations to keep your little one occupied.
Chuggington: Roundhouse Romp
Category: Games
Developer: Ludorum
My daughter likes Thomas and Friends but I cannot find any application about them. Good thing Chuggington released a free version of their hit animated series. Just tap all the Chuggers as they pop out one by one from the roundhouse and be rewarded with a video clip from the show.
Developer: Ludorum
My daughter likes Thomas and Friends but I cannot find any application about them. Good thing Chuggington released a free version of their hit animated series. Just tap all the Chuggers as they pop out one by one from the roundhouse and be rewarded with a video clip from the show.
Category: Music
Developer: allm Interactive
Simply wind up and enjoy Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star played in a classic music box way. It’s mesmerizing! Who would not fall in love with this beautifully-designed and fine-crafted application?
If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to write it in on the comment box below. Thanks and Happy Hunting!
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