Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Pine Cone Wreath DIY

Here's a very easy DIY project that we did for the Christmas Season. So simple, you can finish this craft in fifteen minutes! No kidding. And all I spent for this was just $4 SGD, because I used the leftover spray paint from my Sunburst Mirror DIY.

I bought my two prefab wreaths from DAISO at Ion Orchard B4, and all I did was the assembly into a single wreath and painting.

1 Big Pine Cone Wreath
1 Small Pine Cone Wreath
KRYLON Metallic Paint in Gold Foil

1. The sizes of the two wreaths fit perfectly together. So without any fasteners or glue, attach the small wreath onto the big wreath by gently intertwining their bracks. Make sure the hanging strings are both on one side. You need to tie them together so that the smaller wreath will also be supported when hung.

2. Spray paint the wreath making sure every nook and cranny is painted. It is better to do layers of light coats than a quick thick spray.

3. Air-dry and hang. 

Enjoy crafting and Merry Christmas!

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