The doctors have long advised that her tonsils be removed because it was really in bad shape, blocking her throat and affecting her sleep and day to day activities. Finally, after much deliberation, Jane finally convinced me to approve Ashrie's operation and have her scheduled for surgery.
I was the one who accompanied her last Monday (taking leave from work for three days) while Jane stayed at home with Lia. Ashrie woke up for a light breakfast of a slice of white bread and a small glass of Milo. She needs to fast before her surgery and can only drink water until before 9am.
We arrived at KK Women's and Children's Hospital proceeded immediately to the Admission Office, registered, waited for the porter and then sent to her room. This would be her room for two days and mine as well, as the caregiver.
She was happy the whole time, enjoyed her hospital bed and her personal TV. She still had a few hours to rest before her operation in the afternoon.
And then, the time has come for her to go down the operating theater. It was a little after 1pm. She was in high spirit. I don't know what she was thinking but I felt she was rather excited and that was very good for her, for the hospital staff and for me.
The short distance traveling from the 8th-floor ward to the 2nd floor Operating Rooms seemed to be a very long walk mainly because I don't know how to feel. It's difficult to be in a situation where you are helpless, where all you can do is to entrust your daughter's life to "strangers" and hope that everything will be better.
She dressed up for the surgery and then we proceeded to the waiting room. The waiting room was filled with armchairs, a TV, walls were adorned with framed puzzles and there was even a computer to play games. It was also the pit stop for last minute checks and queries.

I am grateful that she was in high spirit up to this point. As her companion. I made sure to not show any hint of doubt or uneasiness but remained (not calm but) super hyper as well. I made a lot of jokes and always kid around. I know if I will be calm I might show a worried face, and I don't want to do that.
The operating area was bright but filled with a staff of probably a minimum of five. All were busy and all worked fast. It was a controlled chaos, an organized mess.
As she lay down on the table, I know I will be kicked out soon but made sure she knew I'm there until she yawns and fell to her medically-induced sleep. The last thing she felt was the prick on the back of her hand, an injection.
True enough, I was led outside the room immediately. Her tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy lasted for more than an hour. The doctor personally called me right after but I still need to wait at the waiting room as they monitor her condition in the recovery room.
When I saw her, She was still very drowsy, We had a small chat and I know she has a bit of discomfort. After that, she fell back to sleep until she was transferred back to her room.
It was a long, snoreless sleep. I think she was more tired than hungry. When she woke up, she asked for the promised "post-surgery" ice cream. She had fish porridge right after and a small glass of apple juice.
She was discharged from the hospital the next day.
Right now, we are just thankful that she has gone through this successfully. She still can't go back to school but after her recovery, we believe that she will be healthier, and stronger.
Well done, Ashrie!